All playable characters in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

If you are looking for a list of all playable characters in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes , we have you covered. The list of characters is huge, and regardless of the house you choose at the beginning of the game, you will still have the opportunity to steal the students of the other houses. Let's enter it.

All playable characters in Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

We will divide this list into four categories: all routes, Black Eagles, Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Depending on the house you have chosen at the beginning of the game, there are some characters that will not join your cause whatever happens.

The road characters
All routes Dorothea, Bernadetta, Petra, Linhardt, Ashe, Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Marianne, Shamir, Yuri, Constance, Hapi, Balthus, Jeralt, Rhea, Sothis, Arval, Gatekeeper, Byleth
Black eagles (Scarlet Blaze) Edelgard, Hubert, Ferdinand, Caspar, Monica, Manuela, Mercedes, Jeritza, Lysithea, Leonie
Blue lions (blue shine) Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Annette, Sylvain, Ingrid, Seteth, Flyn, Catherine, Rodrigue, Mercedes, Jeritza
Dorado deer (golden fire) Claude, Hilda, Holst, Lysithea, Leonie

How to recruit characters at Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

All these characters can be recruited as part of the story, although the characters of opposite houses must be recruited in the middle of the battle. Before the beginning of a chapter battle where a character can be recruited, be sure to have at least 20 strategic resources and choose the strategy persuade (if available in that chapter) to start a plan to recruit them.

When you meet that character as an enemy unit, the game will ask you to hold the right button in the D-Pad. After doing so, you can defeat them safely in battle and join your cause after the fight.

Some special characters can only be unlocked with renown points towards the end of the game. Characters like Sothis and Rhea, for example, will only be available after you have finished the game at least once, so don't worry about missing them during the story.

That is all you need to know about the playable characters in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes . Be sure to search DLPRIVATOSERVER to get more tips and information about the game.

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