Steam: 3 years old Battle-Royale

A three year old Battle Royale puts on Steam again right now. The shooter reaches a new player record and can even leave Grand Theft Auto 5 in the dust behind.

Battle Royale sets playing record on Steam

On February 4, Apex Legends celebrated his third birthday . The game numbers of the page Steam DB show, however, that the Battle-Royale shooter is still fully in the juice. Only four days ago, a new record could be achieved with 393,111 simultaneous players.

Thus, Apex Legends breaks his own record of 392,998 simultaneous players on the 9th of February . Before that, the highest level in turn was 330,476 players in August 2021. The alliance between Steam and EA, whereby the shooter came to Valves platform in November 2020, thus seems to have a lot of good efforts for both players and publishers. (Source: Steam DB)

Apex Legends reaches top 5 most played Steam games

The rush in February will probably have to do with the release of Season 12 by Apex Legends. Among other things, the 9 against 9 Mode Control and are the new legend Mad Maggie . Thus, the Battle Royale now plays with the big on Steam. Apex Legends is on the 5th place of the most played games.


Currently more than 200,000 players fight for the title of the Champion. The Battle-Royale-Verygestein PubG: Battlegrounds is only a place with 300,000 players. The actual Steam-permanent burner Grand Theft Auto 5 has to sit down with the seventh place. (Source: Steam Charts)

The Battle Royale Apex: Legends is already three years old and for a year on Steam. With the release of the twelfth season, the shooter still breaks a playback card directly two times . Also permanent burners like GTA 5 can not keep up with it.
