The K-Pop Blackpink Group arrives on Pubg Battle Royale

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Pubg has just received its own crossing feature with one of the largest groups of girls in today's pop music industry. BlackPink, the first group of K-pop girls to raise 1 billion views on YouTube, arrives on pubg. Krafton confirmed that k-pop fans, young and old, can enjoy a special blackpink event for a limited time.

PC PUBG players can be ahead of this event as they can access it before players on console, especially from August 8 to September 7, almost a full month. On the other hand, PlayStation and Xbox owners can start their Crossover Pubg-BlackPink experience on August 12th. September 15th.

Thanks to this crossing, Pubg players who are Blackpink fans can participate in special event missions in the game that would give them objects on the theme of Blackpink. These include smuggling coupons, one level three helmet and many others. Thirty-five distinct articles will be on sale in total and can be purchased until the end of the year. Each member of the famous group of girls will have his own cosmetic packs, such as an outfit, a weapon, a nameplate, a emote and the theme hair.

In addition to thematic objects, pubg world maps will also present some changes in accordance with this special crossover event. Decorations on all cards will be presented, such as aircraft banners, construction graffiti and supplies.

Blackpink content will be available in Esports mode, in classified matches and even in royal battle. Pubg cards that have been modified to make room for this crossing are Vikendi, Miramar and Erangel. For some reason, however, Taego, the new Pubg season 12 card, will not be included.

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