APEX LEGENDS Influenware Festival, 7th CR Cup October 9th! Question request is to Snowy snow raid

Apex Legends || Free to Play Battle Royal FPS Basic Play Free Battle Royal FPS APEX Legends to give Electronic Arts. From the professional gumming team and crazy raccoon, the tournament 7th CR cup that adopted this work was held on October 9 (Saturday).

The CR Cup is an e-sports event that is carried out with a leader with a fair number of followers in YouTube and SNS. So far, we launched Fort Night Apex Legends Valorant and showed great success.

This time, only the announcement of the event is not announced about the rules. Question Requests Everything is a super chat to VTuber, Snowy Laid (@shirayuki_reid). Mr. Snow Snow Raid, the fourth meeting is a live role, the fifth tournament has experienced the Hall of Fame as the strongest player. From fans, The seventh or a public relations officer is in charge ... lol and Totoku is a real condition or W that is Raid-kun.
